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South Africa has one of the highest rates of violence against women in the world and on average, 3 women are killed daily by an intimate partner*. The Department of Justice estimates that 1 out of every 4 South African women are survivors of domestic violence. In 2014/2015, it is estimated that 563 841 sexual offences occurred but only 62 649 sexual offences were reported. 8 174 of these sexual offences cases went to court, and only 1% of these cases resulted in a conviction**.
1st for Women have teamed up with a number of organisations that assist victims and survivors of abuse. For assistance, please contact The Centre for Community Justice and Development (CCJD): 033 346 2909 Lifeline: 0800 150 150 (toll free)
* Sonke-Annual-Report-2014-2015.pdf
** The South African Police Service
The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.