According to a survey conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA), men drive more aggressively than women. The survey found that men outpace women in nearly every aggressive driving category - excessive speeding (52%), tailgating (37.8%), aggressive hooting (35.4%), running red lights (32.2%) and dangerous lane switching (31.5%) – but women are not completely blameless.
1st for Women recently conducted its own survey to gauge if and how South African women keep their cool on the road, and the results were strikingly similar to the AAA survey.
“Our research revealed that women frown upon reckless activities such as tailgating (8.3%), running red lights (11.1%) and dangerous lane switching (2.8%) but do admit to speeding (47.2%) and aggressive hooting (25%),” says Seugnette van Wyngaard, Head of 1st for Women Insurance.
To keep their cool on the road, women tend to leave earlier so they have more time to get to their destination (58.3%) and ignore aggressive drivers (50%). The majority of survey respondents found that listening to Gospel or R&B music helps soothes flaring tempers.
“Speed is a factor in approximately one-third of fatal crashes on South African roads. Speeding not only increases your chances of having an accident but it also drastically increases the severity of a crash and injuries when it happens. We urge South African motorists – both men and women – to stick to the speed limit at all times,” says van Wyngaard.
Here are some of 1st for Women Insurance’s essential tips for avoiding road rage:
At 1st for Women we know that each
woman is an individual who has
different needs.