3 min read

Is Third-party Insurance Right for Your Car?

Insurance August 28, 2024

By First For Women

As time passes without incident, you may wonder if you even need Car Insurance at all. Forgoing the protection of insurance isn't advisable, but it's understandable that you may wonder if you're getting as much value out of your coverage as possible — and if you could be saving money without sacrificing any of it. This is where Third-party Insurance from 1st For Women comes in. Here's how to decide whether Third-Party Car Insurance is right for your wallet and car.


All about Third-party Insurance - what you should know


When it comes to a product like insurance, it's natural to err on the side of caution and choose the highest level of coverage you can afford. After all, who wants to be left out of pocket because they chose inadequate coverage? While this is a reasonable approach to adopt, you also need to consider that your needs may have changed since you first chose a Car Insurance product.

Third-party Insurance may be a better option for you[1], allowing you to save money without compromising on coverage. This form of insurance covers accidental damage you may cause and are found liable for to someone else's property/car while driving. However, it does not cover:

  • Damage to your car (no matter who is to blame)

  • The cost of replacing your car if someone steals it.

  • Consequences of illegal activity while driving your car, like driving without a valid licence or driving while under the influence.


Getting to grips with Third-party Insurance inclusions and exclusions


To illustrate what Third-party Car Insurance does and doesn't cover, here is an example.

Bella is a 24-year-old woman who has just graduated from university. She is lucky enough to have been given the old family car, but her parents have told her to cover her insurance.

Bella cannot afford Comprehensive Car Insurance Coverage. She only has a part-time job as a server in a coffee shop, works from home where she lives with her parents, and only uses the car on weekends. The car doesn't give her trouble but is very old and Bella knows that if it should be damaged, there's a good chance she will need to replace it as the cost of repairs would exceed the car's value. She is hoping to save up money to get a new car in the next year or two.

Bella is aware of and happy with the exclusions and inclusions presented by Third-party Insurance. Bella's only real concern on the road would be being held liable for damaging someone else's car or property. She is happy to pay a lower premium and channel the savings towards a new car.


Weighing up the pros and cons of Third-party Car Insurance


You may be wondering if third-party cover is for you. You can get an idea by answering the following questions:

  1. How badly will an accident disrupt my life?

What is your biggest financial concern if you get into a car accident tomorrow or have your car stolen? Would you be worried about the cost of damage to your car and if you can afford to fix it? Would not having a car majorly disrupt your life? If your car is older, worth relatively little or would be expensive to repair — and you still need insurance, third-party cover may suit you.

  1. What are my finances like?

Do you have a realistic view of your financial situation? If so, you should be able to tell what expected and unexpected costs you could handle — and in what form they come in. For example, if you are relatively debt-free, have savings and prefer to keep your month-to-month costs low, third-party cover may suit your wallet better. However, if a major financial cost would disrupt your budget and you want to preserve your savings, a higher level of coverage may be better.


Our expert tips: how to choose a Car Insurance plan 


If you're still on the fence about getting Third Party Car Insurance, here are some things you can do to decide:

  • Assess your car's value — It's important to keep up to date on your car's resale value as well as its general parts availability and pricing. While you may have done this in the past, these figures can change unexpectedly. Analyse your driving habits — The likelihood of you needing to place a claim is directly impacted by how often you drive, where you drive and how long you spend driving. If you don't drive often, keep to driving around quiet roads (avoiding traffic and highways) and only drive short distances for the occasional errand, Third Party Car Insurance is more likely to suit you.

  • Consider your risk tolerance - Evaluate how comfortable you are with potential out-of-pocket expenses for your own vehicle's repairs after an accident. Third-party Insurance covers damage to others but not to your car. Assessing your risk tolerance helps you decide if this level of coverage suits your needs.

  • Consult with an expert - Consulting with an expert can help you understand the nuances of Third-party Car Insurance. A 1st for Women insurance advisor can provide personalised recommendations, ensuring you get the coverage that best suits your needs and budget. This guidance can help you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls in your policy selection.


Get an online Car Insurance quote from 1st for Women


It's natural that you may have more questions about choosing this form of insurance. 1st for Women understands this and can help you, which is why we suggest contacting us for an obligation-free quote today.



[1] IOL: Why third-party insurance can make all the difference

Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or medical advice.


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