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Guardian Angel on Call

When you take out a car, home or building policy with us, you get access to our panic button – a benefit of Guardian Angel on Call, available through the 1st for Women app. The panic button assists with alerting external help during emergencies for example, a hijacking and other emergency situations where you feel unsafe. With the new 1st for Women panic button – help is available to you 24/7. It can be used from anywhere around South Africa and you can get help at the push of a button from public and private security services listed below:

  • Armed Response
  • Police
  • Metro police/municipal law enforcement
  • Traffic law enforcement
  • Fire & Rescue
  • Plus, over 5 000 responders from over 1 000 community safety initiatives

Read more information about how it works and the terms and conditions that apply.

Accident and Roadside Assistance

When you take out comprehensive; off-road; third party, fire & theft; motorcycle; and third party only cover, you automatically get Guardian Angel on Call: 24/7 Accident and Roadside Assistance to help keep you safe on the road.

Below is a list of all the Accident and Roadside Assistance benefits on offer. Those available to you depend on the type of cover you have.

Roadside Assistance:

  • A breakdown
  • A flat battery
  • A burst tyre
  • Or if your fuel tank runs dry

Accident Assistance includes:

  • A mobile crash detector
  • Emergency medical assistance
  • A tow truck to your exact location
  • A lift to where you need to go if your vehicle was towed
  • A Guardian Angel to wait with you until help arrives
  • Claims team notified immediately of your accident

Get our app

To make use of Guardian Angel on Call, and all its services, you don’t need to install any devices in your vehicle; simply download our free app, and make sure that your travel monitoring and location settings are switched on.

If you have any queries about how the app works or how to qualify for the benefit, you can have a look at our frequently asked questions.

Visit the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store and search for ‘1st for Women’. Once you’ve found the 1st for Women App, click on ‘download’ and let the app install. When it has installed, you can register using your ID or passport number. In a few short minutes, you’ll have the app on your phone, ready for use.

View the terms and conditions for the app here.

All benefits are product dependent

Guardian Angel on Call: 24/7 Accident and Roadside Assistance

  • Mobile crash detector
  • App-sharing capabilities
  • Emergency medical assistance
  • A lift to wherever you need to go
  • A Guardian Angel to wait with you if you feel unsafe
  • Assistance providers sent to your exact location to help with: a breakdown, flat battery, burst tyre or fuel if your tank runs dry
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