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Public Liability Insurance

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About Public Liability Insurance


Liability Insurance coverage is essential for anyone in business. Being a business owner is one of the toughest jobs in the world, and being a woman in business is a boss move, but it can also come with its risks. What if someone was injured or had their property damaged as a result of your business operations?


You could be held legally responsible for the injuries or damages, which could be expensive and stressful. That’s why you need Liability Insurance. With this coverage, your policy will pay out if something goes wrong. Having this coverage means you won’t have to pay for the majority of any damages out of your own hard-earned funds.


For example, you might think your customers are perfectly safe on your business premises, or your work will always be 100% without fault. However, things go wrong, and when they do, the legal consequences could spell disaster for your business and your reputation.

That’s why we offer Business Liability Insurance cover. No matter if you own a retail store, a consulting business, or offer a professional service such as accounting, 1st for Women’s comprehensive Public Liability Insurance cover will help pay for any liability claims made against your business.


Speak to a 1st for Women representative today for more information and a free estimate.


What is Public Liability Insurance?


Liability Insurance is a type of cover specifically designed to protect business owners. If they are held legally responsible for damage or injury to another person their property, or if a client suffers financially from a mistake the business owner makes, they will be covered for the costs if they are held liable.

Here are a few examples of when a business owner might need liability cover:

  • A customer slips and falls on a puddle of water at a hair salon, breaking a leg. In this case, the customer could sue the hairdresser, especially if there were no signs indicating the floor might be wet.

  • An engineer incorrectly calculates the weight of the supporting structure of a building, resulting in the building collapsing as a result.

Each of these scenarios could result in legal action. Legal costs in South Africa are often unaffordable for most business owners, and the damages awarded could financially cripple a successful business operation.


Types of Public Liability Insurance cover 

  • Standard Public Liability Insurance

This type of Liability Insurance is designed to protect business owners if their customers are injured, or a customer’s property is damaged during the usual course of business. If a business owner is found legally liable, they could pay millions of rands in damages on top of hefty legal costs, so this one is important for anyone with a physical place of business.

  • Employer’s Liability Cover

Employer’s Liability protects business owners if one of their employees is injured or their property is damaged during the normal course of business. If you’re the only person in your business, you won’t need this cover, but if you have even one employee, whether they’re permanent, temporary, or contractual, consider taking out this type of liability.

  • Product Liability and Defective Workmanship Cover

If you sell any physical products, Product Liability and Defective Workmanship Cover will protect you financially if you’re found legally responsible for damage, illness, or injury caused by your product.

  • Specialist liability cover

This cover is for professionals who need particular types of Liability Insurance depending on their industry, such as accountants, doctors, engineers, and lawyers.

At 1st for Women, we also offer Errors and Omissions and Directors and Officers Insurance with our Specialist Liability Cover.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Public Liability Insurance cover?

What’s excluded from a Public Liability Insurance policy?

How much Liability Insurance do you need?

Who should take out Public Liability Insurance?

How are liability damages calculated?

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